Getting tired of that same ol', same ol' bowl of Chili? Switch it up this time.


  • Chipotle peppers in adobo -- 3
  • Dried habanero chile -- 2 , broken
  • Pablano peppers -- 1 , finely chopped
  • Chili pepper -- 1 , finely chopped
  • Red bell pepper -- 1 , finely chopped
  • Onion -- 2 Medium, finely chopped
  • Minced garlic clove -- 6
  • Cumin -- 2 Tablespoon
  • Coriander -- 2 Teaspoon
  • Chili powder -- 1⁄4 Cup (4 tbs)
  • Oregano -- 1 Tablespoon
  • Salt -- 1 Teaspoon
  • Canned tomato puree -- 28 Ounce
  • Canned diced tomato -- 28 Ounce
  • Caned pinto beans -- 30 Ounce
  • Cheese burger patty -- 4 Pound
  • Smoked bacon -- 1⁄3 Pound
  • Cooking oil -- 2 Tablespoon
  • Beer -- 12 Ounce
  • Corn chips -- 10 , crushed


1. Place the cheese burgers and bacon on the grill. In a small bowl, add chili powder, coriander, cumin, oregano and salt, mix together. Once the grill (white the cheese burgers and bacon are still grilling) place a pan, add habanero, and roast for about 3 minutes. 2. To the pan, add oil, bell pepper, onion, poblano and chili pepper, saute for about a minute. Add garlic, continue to cook for some more time. Add chipotle peppers, saute for another 2 minutes. Add in the spice mixture, mix well. 3. To the pan, add cheese burgers and bacon, mash and mix. Add tomato puree, diced tomato and beans, mix well. Pour in the beer, stir to mix. Crush in the corn chips, mix again. Cover the pan and the grill and cook for about an hour. 4. Uncover the pan, cover the grill and cook for another 1 hour.


5. Serving with sour cream. Serve with corn chips or toasted breads.